Продолжете да ја следите страста и не пропуштајте шанса да добиете дополнителна поддршка, обука и инспирација.

Со нашата нова програма за членство ќе откриете страстен заеднички простор кој ќе ви понуди сè што ви е потребно за да се усовршите, независно кое е вашето ниво.

Треба само да регистрирате производ од Canon и ќе бидете поканети да се придружите.

Get access to exclusive benefits

Enhance your creativity and earn points as you go, unlocking exclusive offers that get bigger and better as you progress.

  • Join the Canon community

    Get inspired and enjoy a new space for like-minded, passionate creatives — where you can explore and discuss to your heart’s content, while learning and getting the support you need.

  • Pursue your passion

    Keep on developing your eye for capturing beautiful, picture-perfect images. And, the more you pursue and share your passion, the greater your benefits and service provisions.

  • Learn from the best

    Advance your craft with exclusive content, tutorials and masterclasses from leading photographers, filmmakers and creatives — giving you the edge when it comes to creating photos and prints.

  • Unlock insider access

    Gain access to exclusive offers as you progress up and up — including exclusive content from ambassadors, try before you buy, paid-for events, plus discounts on merchandise and paper.

Keep on getting rewarded

Progress your ability by earning points every time you make a purchase, register a product, book an event or sign up to a subscription. Start increasing your benefits as you move up through 3 dedicated tiers — while continuing to enjoy the benefits unlocked at previous stages.

  • 1 - 100

    Keep on exploring

    Get started and discover everything Canon — with introductory tutorials and product discounts.

  • 101 - 350

    Keep on creating

    Stay in the creative flow and advance yourself further with live events and workshops delivered by industry pros.

  • 351+

    Keep on mastering

    Master your craft with 1-on-1 classes with Canon ambassadors, and get increased VIP discounts.

Како да станете член

  • Регистрирајте го вашиот производ

    Доколку сте купиле повеќе производи, не заборавајте да ги регистрирате сите производи за да освоите повеќе поени.

  • Почнете да ги користите придобивките

    Дознајте во која категорија сте и почнете максимално да ги искористувате неверојатните придобивки што ги нуди Canon Club.

  • Придружете ѝ се на заедницата

    Добијте инспирација и уживајте во нова заедница за креативци со слични размислувања и голема страст кон работата.